Love Your Skin!

About Us

Welcome to Bella B Treasures, a dream and passion of mine that started over 10 years ago.  It was the fall of 2013 and my second daughter was about 8 months.  She wasn't nursing as much, which meant I was no longer eating to accommodate my milk supply.  I opened the kitchen cabinet to make breakfast and noticed that I had two 4 lb bags of sugar in my cabinet.  It was at that moment I knew I had to cut back for me and my family's health.  I had the bright idea to make sugar scrub for myself and after a few years, I started selling to family and friends.

As time went on, I was called to follow a different path and it required alot of dedication to myself and understanding humanity and healing.  It is a life-long journey of learning and understanding who you are, as well as what you think and feel about yourself.  But it is so beautiful and worth it!

Today, I am so grateful to combine and share my healing and creative nature with all of you!  I so enjoy creating and formulating each scent for you all to experience, as well as sharing my healing energy with all of you! Love & Light.