Love Your Skin!

Sapphire Moon's Kozy Korner


Wow, the last few days have been quite magical; we've had a beautiful Full Moon and Summer Solstice!  I tended to my creative flow and formulated an astringent face cream for myself.  I love the natural coloring from my homemade hibiscus infused witch hazel.  I wanted something decadent for myself and added Rose Absolute, Amber oil, Tangerine essential oil & Sweet Orange essential oil.  I also used this time to enjoy my own Yoni Steam and Milk Bath.  I am loving the view from my bedroom window & the oasis I have created in this space.  Oh, not to mention my beautiful pink violet.  How do you show your appreciation for your life and celebrate it?


It is such a beautiful day, and I am grateful to be here and share my abundance with you all.  We are all abundant and it comes in many forms.  The love we have and share with our family, friends, and all of humanity to simply taking a stroll and listening to the birds sing.  There are so many gifts around us that we often take for granted at times when we are caught up in everyday life (myself included).  Take a moment when you wake from your slumber to practice gratitude and appreciation for what you do have and if you feel called to share your joy with the world; go ahead and do it.  We often try to impress others with our words and actions, and you don’t have to, you are always loved and appreciated.  So, take a moment to celebrate yourself, all wins are equally important and meaningful.

I also want to celebrate the men in my life and those I don’t connect with daily.  Oftentimes, humanity gets caught up in what defines a man by the standards of "society" instead of accepting the core of who they are.  From there we have the opportunity to nurture those relationships and help foster their growth through understanding and compassion; and most of all unconditional love.  Rather than getting caught up in what a father vs what a dad is or is not, those limitations placed on someone does not allow a man to blossom into who he is truly meant to be but who humanity wants him to be.  We are not built to handle everything alone and it is okay and safe to ask for help.  So, to all the men (fathers, dads, mentors, coaches, leaders, etc.) out there, I love you and hope that you are celebrated; not just on Father’s Day but every day.  For every child and adults’ life you have touched, know that it is appreciated and seen.


Hello World,

What is your gift?

All of us have so many beautiful gifts and I challenge you all to share one gift you have with the world.  It can be a friend, a stranger, family, or even social media.  One of my gifts is that I channel songs and the songs spread over all the musical genres.  It is such a beautiful gift and I love sharing those songs with my tribe

May 31, 2024

I can definitely feel the energy shifts that have been happening within myself and the collective over the last few days.  Staying grounded will keep you focused and not sweat the small things so much.

One way to ground yourself, is to stretch hands high above your head, with your feet anchored into the ground (I prefer to be barefoot).  Bring yourself back to the present moment and remember who you are.  You can also incorporate frequencies, subliminals, or binaural beats if you like.  Release what not longer serves you and embrace what you are meant to recieve.  Remember fighting against the current and following your intuition are not the same.  When you fight against it, you'll find yourself in a continuous loop of the same "issue".  When you follow your intuition or "gut instinct", you'll be suprised at what unfolds for you in your life.  Happy Healing and Much Love!

May 26, 2024

Wow, has it been a week already?  I am so grateful for all the support and orders received since launching.  I am also loving the questions to my email.  One of those questions was about the Yoni Steam.  My first experience using a Yoni Steam was about 9 months ago and quite interesting.  Once you are in position (perferable squatting, you'll thank me later) and have been relaxed for a bit; you feel more open and in tune/connected with your body and your feminine essence.  I'm glad I tried it and have been creating my own ever since.  Each blend is one I can relate to, from experiencing a misscarriage, to planning for a baby, to where I am now.  Much Love & Happy Healing!

May 20, 2024

Captured this beautiful moon while taking a break from creating....magic in the air!

May 17, 2024

Happy Friday and many blessings to you all!  I am so excited and honored to share my healing energy with the world.  I've just finished infusing our "Enjoy Yourself" Body Oil with rose quartz (for universal love), carnelian (for balance), and aquamarine (for peace & serenity) chips and it smells divine.  Check it out under the Love Your Spirit Collection.

Be sure to come back soon for healing vibes and energy!