Love Your Skin!

Holistic Resources


Happy Monday!

I hope everyone is have a good day and staying cool in this heat.  Remember hydration can come in many forms.  I like eating cucumbers, grapes, & tomatoes for example, as well as drinking my own personal blend of herbal teas.  Usually we rely on water or other drinks to hydrate us not realizing that our body is truly calling for nourishment.  I challenge you to try eating your hydration vs drinking it all the time.

This is also the pefect time to make sun tea.  One of my ingredients to use in my tea are Hibiscus flowers.  It creates a beautiful deep red color (almost purple after awhile) and is known for it's antioxidant benefits.  It also supports liver and heart health.  I also added Cardamom pods and seeds, not just because I like to be extra spicy sometimes!  Cardamom actually has antioxidant benefits, as well as anti-inflammatory.


16 oz. Spring Water (or your favorite water, perferable natural)
1/2 cup Hibiscus Flowers
4-6  Cardamom pods w/the seeds

Feel free to add any additional florals, herbs, and/or spices; play with it and see what your creative side cultivates.

Let it steep in the sun for 4-6 hours (this is based on a strength you like).  Strain, sweeten to your liking (or not), and enjoy.  If you opt to steep for 6 hours, I do recommend diluting the full batch with additional water in a gallon size container.  I do typically sweeten my tea, this go round I'll be adding my garlic and ginger infused Eucalyptus Honey (also made in-house).  If you enjoy tart cherry juice, I believe you will enjoy Hibiscus tea!


I hope you all are doing well on this beautiful Saturday.  Do something nice for yourself today to take care of you.  Doesn’t have to be big or even cost a lot of money.  I enjoy getting pedicures for example, but there is something about creating my own foot soak that makes me feel more alive than any salon could; and I’ve had some pretty good pedicures.  So today, I will share with you one of my personal recipes that not only makes your feet and toes happy; it’ll also lift your spirit.  The best part is anyone can afford these items & you can do it sitting in your back yard!

Foot Soak

This will make 1 ½ cup of foot soak, enough for two soaks OR if you’re like me, you can use the whole batch for one soak!

¾ cup   Dead Sea Salt

½ cup   Epsom Salt

¼ cup    Fine and/or medium course Pink Himalayan Salt

2 TB       each of Pineapple sage, rosemary, lemon thyme, calendula (marigold), pink rose petals, red rose petals

Plastic Basin (I got mine from dollar tree) or simply use your tub

3 drops each Rosemary, Peppermint, Eucalyptus, and Lemon essential oils


Add all the ingredients to your tub or basin, pour warm water over your mixture, add your feet, sit back and relax.  I am actually soaking my feet as I write this post!  If you’d like to take it a step further, you can set an intention when you add each ingredient.  Below, I’ve included the intention behind each herb, flower, and essential oil added.  You can soak from 15-30 minutes and I followed up with our Cardamom, Rose, & Sage body creme. The key is to have fun and enjoy!


Peppermint, a longtime favorite in foot soaks and with good reason, you can literally feel your feet softening and it also aids in spiritual growth.

Rose petals for relaxation; pink for compassion & self-acceptance and red for grounding in your root chakra, the foundation of your core.

Rosemary for stress reduction & rosemary essential oil for purification & growth.

Lemon Thyme to disinfect and boost your own body’s defenses, also for purification and strength.

Pineapple Sage for calming anxiety & for gratitude, joy & abundance.

Calendula is soothing to the skin, especially if you have irritations, and for inner peace and positivity.

Eucalyptus is disinfecting, healing, & aids in heightening your intuition.

Lemon helps with nail discoloration and cleansing.


I am super excited for Bella B Treasures as we are so close to finalizing testing and launching more options for our amazing men just in time for Father's Day.  I will also have one-on-one remote energy healing services launching soon as well!  Stay tuned, it's possible we may have another treat for our patrons as well!


Morning Harvest!  As I glance at the abundance, I'm realize I really like herbs in the mint family.  I have catnip, lemon balm, sweet mint, spearmint, & peppermint.  I typically use these to make tea, tinctures, or infusions for our bath products.  I also have lemon thyme, sage, & pineapple sage.  These can be used in teas as well, however I would go light on the lemon thyme.  I currently have this herb infusing in witch hazel as an ingredient in facial toner.


When the namesake of your company brings you flowers almost every day, each one just as unique as her!

This is a Salsify (Tragopogon porrifolius) and is a member of the dandelion (commonly known ragweed) family; just like the roots of a dandelion, the salsify roots are edible as well.  If you didn’t know, dandelion root can aid in supporting liver, gut, and kidney health.  I have found dandelion root in its natural form and roasted the roots for a full-bodied tea.  Can’t wait to learn more about Salsify in my studies, but for now, I think I’ll just embrace one of Mother Nature’s many beauties.


I am so excited to to dedication this section to keeping you informed on new scents, tips and tricks, and much more.  

Check out one of our new scents just in time for the summer, Peach Bellini.  I had so much fun creating this blend and testing it out with our Sugar Scrub featured below.  The fruity notes of Peach and bright notes of Grapefruit pair nicely with sparkling Champagne.  Brunch Anyone?